Thursday, March 10, 2011

People in Our Lives...

"People come, people go – they’ll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past."
Nicholas Sparks (The Rescue)

Yes - People come into our lives. Sometimes they just happen to come in, at some phase in our lives, do some kind of change and they go. We some times ask some people to come into our lives, although thy never intended to. And then when they go, we cry and do all the drama we can, trying to take them back in our lives. We just don't realize that they never had the thought of peeping into our lives, but we. This should be the story of many of us, isn't it?

When such people 'visit' our lives, they just take all the advantage of the 'invitation' we did. They have no idea about our emotions, and even if they did, they would not just care. We don't understand that this is just a visitor on our invitation and we start thinking them as a part of our lives, just because we, in mind, think we want them in our lives so badly. The worse part is that we sometimes tend to think it is "Love"!

But no visitor would stay with us forever. They have their own lives, they have to be with the people they are supposed to be with. So they go back. Then here comes the drama! We keep thinking the times we spent with this visitor. We would think about the similarities we had together and keep wondering why they had to go back to such people who don't share things in common. We sometimes do all the crazy stuff in the world, to get that visitor back in our lives. Just get out of your frame of yourself, and look at some one else doing all these things, and you will realize that is hilarious. Sometimes, there could be some one who is trying to get YOU in their lives, doing all the possible things he/she can - but you know that you are not supposed to be there, and you never want to! But in their minds you are everything for them. Funny - isn't it?

Yes - it is funny, and when you are in the same drama, then it is funny for others too. So stop it! Stop being the drama to the world. Stop inviting people who do not wish to be there in your lives.

Then there is this other kind of people who are supposed to be in your life, waiting for you to open the door for them to step in. Sometimes you keep the door closed after the visitor leaves, that you don't know that there is someone out there waiting to come into your lives. Sometimes you know there is someone, but you just don't care and keep on with your 'drama'.

But do believe - believe that there are people who are supposed to be in your life. They are there for a reason. It is OK to let people visit in, but if they want to go, then just let them go. And just be open and be yourself. Don't be the funny thing to the world.

You might know that different substances have their own boiling point, or freezing points, depending on their internal properties. You too are such a substance. You have your own timing for things to happen. Don't let yourself down if you see someone else has found their "special someone", just wait until the right time for you.

Yes - you just have to keep your mind open. Be brave, be passionate. Believe - that you are supposed to be happier, and do believe that the best is yet to come. (",)

By D.R. De Silva

1 comment:

Chums said...

You are a part of a puzzle of someone’s life. You may never know where you fit, but always remember that someone’s life may not be complete without you :D
