I just had some amazing rides at the Luna Park in Coney Island - NY. At a distance, it was an awesome day having to experience some unforgettable rides, but for me, it meant much more.
They say that life is like a roller coaster ride. I can not agree more. When you look at it from a distance, you see the amazing ride that other people take, rounds and rounds, and you laugh looking at the ride, while they scream. You never feel it right, you never feel what those people feel at that very moment, and you think it is a fun and exciting thing to do. Then you want to experience it yourself. Sounds familiar?
You then plan your ride. You think the scream was just for fun, or you think that there is no need to scream coz it is just an easy ride as it seems from a distance. You plan where to scream and where to keep your eyes open or shut. You get in after all these are planned. Then what?
You get ups on your way which keeps you excited and then comes a huge slope which you never expectd to be that scary. It is all unexpected and then you start realising that the screaming of other people was fair enough. You then scream for life.
The Roller Coaster ride and this race of Life - it ends up to be the same. You plan your rides, you plan your entire life, each day; each hour. But as they say, "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans". It applies to the ride and life both, the same way. You plan something and you end up experiencing something totally different. But there is only one difference, the response you have on the rides. The ones who were ready to experience anything, would finally say "What a ride" while others might say "what a waste of time".
The roller coaster ride tought me one thing; not to keep high expectations on anything in life, coz you might end up in dissappointment. Instead, I learnt to be ready to accept challenges that would come up along our way. There could be ups and downs, heights and slopes, but only thing that we should be able to do it to hang on!
By D.R. De Silva
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