Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wait, Hope and Pray - The Simple Plan for Life!

"The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change"

This is a common thing that we hear every day. But I question it, is CHANGE a constant thing? Because that is something I cannot agree. Do people change? Yes. But do they change in the same way every day? No. That is exactly what I mean, that change is not constant too, change changes. The way a change happens, changes with time. Hence, nothing is constant in life, nothing is certain.

This is why I believe that people live by three main principles; Wait, Hope and Pray. It digs even into the basics in life. It is a fact that the sun rises from the east, but none of us are not sure if we would be alive to see it happen the next day. We hope that we would be alive, and we pray that nothing would happen to us and we wait. Just like the "desires" in life are never ending, the "wait, hope and pray" are also never ending. We all wait, hope or pray for something in life or another. Only the subject and the reason might change.

Life is uncertain. Not knowing what is to happen tomorrow, we always have wild guesses. Haunted by all the ‘what-if’s in life, we believe in things. Someone has once said, people believe in things that they least know about. What do you believe? Are you sure that they are true? Something makes sense, right? When we don’t want to believe in something, we pray. We keep on praying that it will not come true. And we ‘hope’ our prays are heard and we keep waiting. Isn’t that we all do in our life? Well, at least that is what I do! Also to keep in mind is that, I believe in these principles, may be because I least know about it!

In another way, isn’t is a simple way of living? When you get disappointed in life, when a dream of you doesn’t come true, and when things go wrong, isn’t it better to hope for something better next time, pray for it, and wait? I trust it is a way of letting things go. Instead of worrying or regretting things, we simply can hope for the best, pray for it to happen and wait with that hope until better things happen.

Again, life is uncertain. Things change every time, every day. The biggest truth today, can become the biggest lie tomorrow. The things that work out well today, might destroy everything by tomorrow morning. When you have had the worst day in your life, things might turn out to be great by the next day. Things change; people change; circumstances change. We simply have to cope-up with all the changes that is happening around us. Isn’t it better to live your life with a smile on your face and a hope in your heart, rather with a tear on your eye and a worry in your heart? The plan is simple – to wait, hope and pray!

By D.R. De Silva

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Roller Coaster Ride

I just had some amazing rides at the Luna Park in Coney Island - NY. At a distance, it was an awesome day having to experience some unforgettable rides, but for me, it meant much more.

They say that life is like a roller coaster ride. I can not agree more. When you look at it from a distance, you see the amazing ride that other people take, rounds and rounds, and you laugh looking at the ride, while they scream. You never feel it right, you never feel what those people feel at that very moment, and you think it is a fun and exciting thing to do. Then you want to experience it yourself. Sounds familiar?

You then plan your ride. You think the scream was just for fun, or you think that there is no need to scream coz it is just an easy ride as it seems from a distance. You plan where to scream and where to keep your eyes open or shut. You get in after all these are planned. Then what?

You get ups on your way which keeps you excited and then comes a huge slope which you never expectd to be that scary. It is all unexpected and then you start realising that the screaming of other people was fair enough. You then scream for life.

The Roller Coaster ride and this race of Life - it ends up to be the same. You plan your rides, you plan your entire life, each day; each hour. But as they say, "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans". It applies to the ride and life both, the same way. You plan something and you end up experiencing something totally different. But there is only one difference, the response you have on the rides. The ones who were ready to experience anything, would finally say "What a ride" while others might say "what a waste of time".

The roller coaster ride tought me one thing; not to keep high expectations on anything in life, coz you might end up in dissappointment. Instead, I learnt to be ready to accept challenges that would come up along our way. There could be ups and downs, heights and slopes, but only thing that we should be able to do it to hang on!

By D.R. De Silva
